flask-shaped pitcher-plant Nepenthes ampullaria “green speckle, hot lips” Jack (1835) from Borneo
flask-shaped pitcher-plant Nepenthes ampullaria “green speckle, hot lips” Jack (1835) from Borneo
Orchid Calanthe triplicata near my Camp
callous carrying phaius orchid Phaius callosus (Blume) Lindl. 1831 ,from south Sarawak / Borneo
tropical sundew Drosera burmanni Drosera burmanni in situ, the tropical sundew is a small, compact species in the carnivorous plant genus Drosera. Its natural geographical range includes Australia and southeast Asia.It is one of the fastest trapping sundews as well,…
rediscovered Begonia chlorosticta Sands (1982: 134), Begoniaceae in situ.
Begonia roseopunctata in Situ – central Sarawak / Borneo
Bulbophyllum sanguineomaculatum Ridl. 1896 (?) in Situ I dont know which species this is, it could be also Bulbophyllum membranifolium.
Glory lily Gloriosa superba Borneo is the home of tens of thousands of species of plants, animals and fungi, and every year new species are being discovered. But you can also find many neophytes, like this Gloriosa superba or glory…