An undescribed arachnophagic jumping spider of the genus Portia – Portia sp. of Sarawak/Borneo This type of jumping spider is very well camouflaged and often sits motionless next to some lichen on the rock. The genus Portia is known to…
An undescribed arachnophagic jumping spider of the genus Portia – Portia sp. of Sarawak/Borneo This type of jumping spider is very well camouflaged and often sits motionless next to some lichen on the rock. The genus Portia is known to…
Giant Huntsman Spider – Heteropoda sp. of south Sarawak. A typical forest floor resident is this Huntsman Spider, it will actually eat anything large or small enough to be overwhelmed, often these are the various species of cockroaches.
Giant green Huntsman Spider or Lichen Huntsman Spider – Heteropoda boiei (Doleschall, 1859) of central Sarawak. Heteropoda boiei is probably one of the most beautiful Huntsman Spiders in Sarawak, often found waiting for prey on trees where it is very…
Crab spider, female of Platythomisus octomaculatus (C. L. Koch, 1845), of Sarawak/Borneo Platythomisus phryniformis Doleschall 1859, was synonymized with Platythomisus octomaculatus by Hasselt (1890).
female of the lichen spider, Pandercetes sp. of south Sarawak / Borneo
Opadometa sarawakensis Dzulhelmi & Suriyanti 2015 Today we found one of the most elusive orb-weaving spider species here in Borneo – Opadometa sarawakensis Dzulhelmi & Suriyanti, 2015. Unfortunately I didn’t brought my camera so I will share a older photo…
Orange huntsman spider with egg-sack, Heteropoda sp. of south Sarawak / Borneo
Anepsion depressum birmanicum (Thorell, 1877) from Sabah / Borneo around 1000m ASL
Net-casting spiders Deinopis sp. from Sarawak / Borneo around 300m ASL – Deinopis Macleay, 1839 – Deinopidae of Borneo, commonly known as Ogre-faced Spiders or Net-casting spiders, because of their ability to cast silken nets at their prey. The posterior…
Poltys cf. idae (Ausserer, 1871), from south Sarawak / Borneo