Brushed trapdoor spider, Barychelidae family of Sarawak / Borneo around 200m ASL – probably Rhianodes sp. – I only discovered this trapdoor spider by accident on the edge of a cliff in the forest, as it only looked out of…
Brushed trapdoor spider, Barychelidae family of Sarawak / Borneo around 200m ASL – probably Rhianodes sp. – I only discovered this trapdoor spider by accident on the edge of a cliff in the forest, as it only looked out of…
Net-casting spiders Deinopis sp. from Sarawak / Borneo around 100m ASL – Deinopis Macleay, 1839 – Deinopidae of Borneo, commonly known as Ogre-faced Spiders or Net-casting spiders, because of their ability to cast silken nets at their prey. The posterior…
Undetermined spider, probably from the genus Poltys – Poltys cf. illepidus? C. L. Koch, 1843, from central-Sarawak / Borneo Polty’s spiders weave a large web, in case of danger they immediately flee to an anchor point of the web and…
Anepsion depressum birmanicum (Thorell, 1877) from Sabah / Borneo around 1000m ASL
Net-casting spiders Deinopis sp. from Sarawak / Borneo around 300m ASL – Deinopis Macleay, 1839 – Deinopidae of Borneo, commonly known as Ogre-faced Spiders or Net-casting spiders, because of their ability to cast silken nets at their prey. The posterior…
Poltys cf. idae (Ausserer, 1871), from south Sarawak / Borneo
Hamadruas sp. Lynx Spider from Malaysia / Borneo / central Sarawak 500m ASL
Ctenidae(?) probably a member of the Acantheis-genus from Malaysia / Borneo / central Sarawak 500m ASL
Phoroncidia spec. from south Sarawak with a size of 7mm
Aranea sp.