Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard – Pelturagonia spiniceps (Smith, 1925) of Sarawak / Borneo around 1400m ASL Synonym: Phoxophrys spiniceps Smith, 1925
Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard – Pelturagonia spiniceps (Smith, 1925) of Sarawak / Borneo around 1400m ASL Synonym: Phoxophrys spiniceps Smith, 1925
Mossy Bush Frog Philautus macroscelis (Boulenger, 1896) – of central Sarawak / Borneo around 1100m ASL This highland species occurs only between 1000m and 1800m asl and the different populations are genetically separated from each other, sometimes with a totally different coloration.
undescribed Begonia – Begonia spec. in situ – central Sarawak / Borneo.
Highland Dwarf Toad Pelophryne sp. of central Borneo around 1200m ASL A very small and maybe a undescribed dwarf toad of the Pelophryne genus. The discovery of this toad was a lucky find and unfortunately the only individual I could…
The Upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. (Moraceae) of central Borneo Of all Borneo’s indigenous tribes, the Penan and Punan of Sarawak and Kalimantan remain most connected to traditional forest living. Some of the Penan and Punan still hunt with their…
Harlequin Flying Frog, Rhacophorus pardalis Günther, 1858 – of the Baram area – Sarawak / Borneo
Torrent frog tadpole Meristogenys sp. of central Sarawak / Borneo Meristogenys tadpoles are specialized for living in strong currents. The snout is broadly rounded with a relatively oral disk underneath it. The body is flat below and has a large…
The Harrisson’s flying frog, Leptomantis harrissoni Inger & Haile, 1959 (former Rhacophorus harrissoni) of central Sarawak / Borneo around 700m ASL. Leptomantis harrissoni spends most of its life high up in the forest. Males call for breeding in water-containing holes…
In this post you can see the very beautiful Pathysa delessertii delessertii or malayan zebra butterfly during a mud puddle seassion in central Sarawak / Borneo. I visited this place few months ago but this species was not found at…
The banded bullfrog, Kaloula pulchra Gray, 1831 of south Sarawak / Borneo around 20m ASL. Kaloula pulchra is an introduced species (neozoon) having been imported into Borneo in relatively recent time and can be found in the most gardens or…