South Asian Bockadam or Dog-faced Water Snake, Cerberus rynchops (SCHNEIDER, 1799) – from East-Sarawak / Borneo
South Asian Bockadam or Dog-faced Water Snake, Cerberus rynchops (SCHNEIDER, 1799) – from East-Sarawak / Borneo
Dead leaf mantis, Deroplatys sp. / Deroplatys lobata (Guérin-Méneville (1838)? of central Sarawak / Borneo
The common mock viper, Psammodynastes pulverulentus (H. Boie, 1827), of central Sarawak / Borneo
Borneo red snake or Stolickza’s stream snake, Stoliczkia borneensis (BOULENGER, 1899) – from central Sarawak / Borneo This Snake is rarely seen and is only known from very few individuals since 1899. Thanks to Björn Lardner.
Dragon Milliped, of the Paradoxosomatidae family, probably Desmoxytes sp. – central Sarawak / Borneo
Veitch’s pitcher-plant Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. (1859) from central Sarawak / Borneo, 1200m ASL
Borneo splash frog or green-spotted rock frog, Staurois tuberilinguis Boulenger, 1918 – of central Sarawak / Borneo around 170m ASL
Kerangas Bush Frog Philautus kerangae Dring, 1987, of central Sarawak / Borneo around 900m ASL
Obscure Bush Frog, Philautus tectus Dring, 1987 – in day coloration, from central Sarawak / Borneo around 1200m ASL
Palawan Wart Frog or Smooth guardian frog, Limnonectes palavanensis (Boulenger, 1894) of central Sarawak, 700m ASL