Chaperina fusca Mocquard, 1892 from south Sarawak / Borneo / Lowland 48m ASL
Chaperina fusca Mocquard, 1892 from south Sarawak / Borneo / Lowland 48m ASL
The red-headed krait Bungarus flaviceps Reinhardt, 1843 – from south Sarawak lowland around 15m ASL
Sesarmidae Dana, 1851
Cicada infected by a Cordyceps-fungus(?) of South-Sarawak/Borneo.
Infected by a Cordyceps-fungus of Central-Sarawak/Borneo – probably Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom)
juvenile katydid, of the Scambophyllum genus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Borneo, South Sarawak 30m ASL
Hammerhead-Worm black&white, probably Bipalium genus of the Geoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 family. Found in Sarawak near Kuching, 20m ASL.
Dwarf Wood Scorpion Liocheles australasiae (Fabricius, 1775), from south Sarawak Borneo
Rufous-backed Kingfisher, Ceyx rufidorsa (Strickland, 1847) from central Sarawak / Borneo This Kingfisher could be also a hybrid between Ceyx erithacus x Ceyx rufidorsa.
Odorrana hosii (Boulenger, 1891) from central Sarawak / Borneo