Planthopper, Eurybrachidae, female of Chalia sp. or Thessitus sp. (?)
Planthopper, Eurybrachidae, female of Chalia sp. or Thessitus sp. (?)
Planthopper, Eurybrachidae, female of Chalia pulchra (Gray, 1832) They are remarkable for the sophistication of their automimicry.
Leaf cockroach, probably Pseudophoraspis nebulosa (Burmeister, 1838) taking care of her babies.
Jumping spider, unknown Salticidae probably Parabathippus spec.
Giant centipede, Scolopendra sp. “Sematan” (S. subspinipes?)
Giant forest ant, Dinomyrmex gigas (Latreille, 1802) Subspecies: Dinomyrmex gigas borneensis Emery, 1887 Former Camponotus gigas (Latreille, 1802) is reclassified as Dinomyrmex gigas; dino – a combining form meaning “terrifying, frightful” and the Greek myrmex, meaning “ant”.
Dyakia duumvirorum F. Haas, 1951
Dead leaf mantis, Deroplatys sp. (?) near Siburan in Sarawak / Borneo
Harlequin tree frog, Rhacophorus pardalis Günther, 1858 – of central Sarawak / Borneo
Infected by a Cordyceps-fungus of Central-Sarawak/Borneo.