30th December 2017
Pelophryne guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
Pelophryne guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
False Toad Pseudobufo subasper Tschudi, 1838 – found in Kalimantan / Borneo.
Four-Ridged Toad, Ingerophrynus quadriporcatus (Boulenger, 1887) A typical costal peat swamp species here in south Sarawak (Borneo). It is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, the maxiumum-size ranges up to 43mm (males) and 63mm (females). I’ve found this male on…
cross toad or hourglass toad Leptophryne borbonica (Tschudi, 1838)
Lowland Dwarf Toad Pelophryne signata (Boulenger, 1894) from South Sarawak / Borneo