Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard – Pelturagonia spiniceps (Smith, 1925) of central Sarawak / Borneo around 1900m ASL Synonym: Phoxophrys spiniceps Smith, 1925 Once again a range extension for this species. I was able to find this induviduum on a previously unclimbed…
Tag: Draconinae
A male of the Fringed Flying Dragon, Draco fimbriatus KUHL, 1820 of central Sarawak / Borneo – around 1200m ASL This draco was high up in the tree, which is why it is difficult to identify it precisely. Normally I…
Ornate Earless Agama, Aphaniotis ornata (LIDTH DE JEUDE, 1893), of south Sabah / Borneo
Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard – Pelturagonia spiniceps (Smith, 1925) of Sarawak / Borneo around 1400m ASL Synonym: Phoxophrys spiniceps Smith, 1925
female Bornean Horned Agama Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924) This Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924) is believed to be one of the rarest lizards in Borneo. It’s known only from few individuals that have been found. During the last research expedition I…
subadult Blue-eyed Anglehead Lizard Gonocephalus liogaster (Günther, 1872)
Bornean Horned Agama Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924) You’ve probably never heard of the Bornean Horned Agama, Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924), it is quite possibly one of the rarest lizards in the world and only known from few specimens. The genus…
Flying dragon lizard – Draco spec.