Mountains of the Moon pygmy chameleon, Rhampholeon monteslunae HUGHES, BEHANGANA, TILBURY, DEHLING, KUSAMBA & GREENBAUM in HUGHES et al. 2024 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Mountains of the Moon pygmy chameleon, Rhampholeon monteslunae HUGHES, BEHANGANA, TILBURY, DEHLING, KUSAMBA & GREENBAUM in HUGHES et al. 2024 of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Strange-horned chameleon, Kinyongia xenorhina (Boulenger, 1901) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Ruwenzori three-horned chameleon, Trioceros johnstoni (Boulenger, 1901) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Ruwenzori side-striped chameleon, Trioceros rudis (Boulenger, 1906) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Ruwenzori side-striped chameleon, Trioceros rudis (Boulenger, 1906) of the Rwenzori Mountains / Uganda
Sarawak Eyebrow Lizard – Pelturagonia spiniceps (Smith, 1925) of central Sarawak / Borneo around 1900m ASL Synonym: Phoxophrys spiniceps Smith, 1925 Once again a range extension for this species. I was able to find this induviduum on a previously unclimbed…
A male of the Fringed Flying Dragon, Draco fimbriatus KUHL, 1820 of central Sarawak / Borneo – around 1200m ASL This draco was high up in the tree, which is why it is difficult to identify it precisely. Normally I…
Ornate Earless Agama, Aphaniotis ornata (LIDTH DE JEUDE, 1893), of south Sabah / Borneo
Sub-adult Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico di…
Juvenile Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico di…