Stomacosmethis hosei (Godwin-Austen, 1889) of south-Sarawak Borneo. The specimen in the photo has a shell length of 5mm. These small snails appear to be adapted primarily to Limestone Hills.
Stomacosmethis hosei (Godwin-Austen, 1889) of south-Sarawak Borneo. The specimen in the photo has a shell length of 5mm. These small snails appear to be adapted primarily to Limestone Hills.
Plectostoma everetti (E. A. Smith, 1893) of South-Sarawak Borneo. The specimen in the photo has a shell length of 1.5mm. Plectostoma everetti within the Plectostoma genus of air-breathing land snails in the family Diplommatinidae which is a family of small…
Ariophantid Snail, Vitrinula glutinosa (Metcalfe, 1852) of Central-Sarawak / Borneo Vitrinula glutinosa was described as Helix glutinosa in 1852 by William Metcalfe, who had received the snail shells in November 1850 from the British geologist William John Hamilton. Clearly visible…
Penthicodes farinosus (Weber, 1801) of south Sarawak / Borneo Penthicodes farinosus can be found not only in the forest but also sometimes a cities. In the pictures below are two individuals. While one individual is “milked” by an ant to…
The Upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. (Moraceae) of central Borneo Of all Borneo’s indigenous tribes, the Penan and Punan of Sarawak and Kalimantan remain most connected to traditional forest living. Some of the Penan and Punan still hunt with their…
Torrent frog tadpole Meristogenys sp. of central Sarawak / Borneo Meristogenys tadpoles are specialized for living in strong currents. The snout is broadly rounded with a relatively oral disk underneath it. The body is flat below and has a large…
female Bornean Horned Agama Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924) This Harpesaurus borneensis (MERTENS, 1924) is believed to be one of the rarest lizards in Borneo. It’s known only from few individuals that have been found. During the last research expedition I…
Bioluminescent mushrooms like this Mycena sp., of central Sarawak, begins to glow at night. With their own light they can attract insects, which could pick up spores on their bodies. With this behavior the Mushroom spread the spores over a…
Ein kurzer Besuch mit einer FAZ Journalistin in den Borneo Highlands, Süd-Sarawak. Zum ARTIKEL der FAZ geht es hier entlang. Im Dezember 2018, organisierte ich eine Kurzreise für die FAZ Journalistin Barbara Liepert. Wir konnten binnen weniger Tage viele interessante…
buffalo eye fungus or indonesian stalked puffball, Calostoma sp. of Borneo (Sarawak / Kalimantan) The Iban-tribe called them Kulat Mata Babi (Boar-Eye-Mushroom) or in Bahasa Kulat Mata Pelanduk (Mouse-Deer-Eye-Mushroom) (another local names: kulat mata lembu, mata kerbau), is an edible…