Juvenile katydid, of the Scambophyllum genus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Borneo, South Sarawak 450m ASL
Juvenile katydid, of the Scambophyllum genus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 – Borneo, South Sarawak 450m ASL
Ground beetle from the family Carabidae, most probably from the genus Catascopus of south Sarawak / Borneo around 200m ASL.
Stag beetle, Cyclommatus giraffa Mollenkamp, 1904, of south Sarawak / Borneo around 1000m ASL
Penthicodes farinosus (Weber, 1801) of south Sarawak / Borneo Penthicodes farinosus can be found not only in the forest but also sometimes a cities. In the pictures below are two individuals. While one individual is “milked” by an ant to…
Tortoise beetle, Aspidimorpha miliaris (Fabricius, 1775), of south Sarawak / Borneo around 30m ASL
The crimson-tailed marsh hawk, Orthetrum pruinosum schneideri (Burmeister, 1839), of Sarawak / Borneo around 200m ASL
Male of the asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros (Linnaeus, 1758), of south Sarawak / Borneo around 50m ASL
Juvenile Leaf-footed bug, Prionolomia sp. – central Sarawak / Borneo
Caterpillar of the remarkable Atlas Moth, Attacus atlas Linnaeus, 1758, south Sarawak / Borneo
Pomponia decem (Walker, 1857), south Sarawak / Borneo