Bornean tree hole frog, Metaphrynella sundana (Peters, 1867) of south Sarawak – around 1100m ASL. Metaphrynella sundana is a small frog that is heard very often in the rainforests of Borneo but rarely seen, as the males always sit in…
Bornean tree hole frog, Metaphrynella sundana (Peters, 1867) of south Sarawak – around 1100m ASL. Metaphrynella sundana is a small frog that is heard very often in the rainforests of Borneo but rarely seen, as the males always sit in…
Cat gecko – Aeluroscalabotes felinus Günther, 1864 – of south Sarawak / Borneo – around 200m ASL Aeluroscalabotes felinus Günther, 1864 is named after its habit of curling its tail like a cat when resting. These geckos are very common…
Sunda scops owl Otus lempiji (Horsfield, 1821) of Kuching / south Sarawak / Borneo
Sub-adult Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico di…
Inger’s bow-fingered gecko, Cyrtodactylus pubisulcus Inger, 1958 of south Sarawak / Borneo Cyrtodactylus pubisulcus is endemic to Borneo and relatively widespread from lowlands to over 1200m above sea level.
Long horned orb weaver – Macracantha arcuata (Fabricius, 1793) – Syn.: Gasteracantha arcuata Probably no other spider than Macracantha arcuata has such long outgrowths on the abdomen. It is hypothesized that this peculiar shape confuses the bats and as a…
Juvenile Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico di…
Bornean tree hole frog, Metaphrynella sundana (Peters, 1867) of Ulu-Ai Borneo. Metaphrynella sundana is a small frog that is heard very often in the rainforests of Borneo but rarely seen, as the males always sit in tree cavities and attract…
Die Rückreise während der SARS CoV2 Pandemie. Ein Virus aus China hat das alltägliche Leben weltweit lahmgelegt, auch Borneo blieb davon nicht verschont. Dieser Blogeintrag unterscheidet sich maßgeblich von allen anderen „Abenteuern“ die ich bisher schriftlich veröffentlicht habe. Das Reisen…
Subadult of Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico…