16th May 2024
Glory Bower, Clerodendrum sp., of central Sarawak / Borneo around 400m ASL
Glory Bower, Clerodendrum sp., of central Sarawak / Borneo around 400m ASL
Clerodendrum spec. in Situ, central Sarawak / Borneo – probably Clerodendrum bethuneanum H.Low respectively Clerodendrum japonicum var. bethuneanum Wearn, J. A., & Mabberley, D. J. (2011). Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) in Borneo. Systematic Botany, 36(4), 1050-1061. DOI: 10.1600/036364411X605056
Indian broomrape or forest ghost flower Aeginetia indica Linnaeus, 1753 in south Sarawak / Borneo, around 100m ASL Aeginetia indica is a holoparasitic herb of the Orobanchaceae family of plants. The forest ghost flowerhost parasitises plants of the Cannaceae, Commelinaceae,…