Giant centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes Leach, 1815 Centipedes are common in the forests of Borneo, but rarely they are not hunting, if you find resting specimens (which is extremely rare), they make great photo subjects.
Giant centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes Leach, 1815 Centipedes are common in the forests of Borneo, but rarely they are not hunting, if you find resting specimens (which is extremely rare), they make great photo subjects.
Pinanga tenella Scheff. – in situ – central Sarawak / Borneo. Pinanga tenella is a rheophyte species, it grows mainly on medium-sized rivers with strong currents. Compared to other Pinanga species it has very narrow leaves. These allow it to…
An unspecified slime mold from Sarawak / Borneo. The slime molds (Mycetozoa or Eumycetozoa) are a taxon of unicellular organisms that combine characteristics of both animals and fungi in their way of life, but do not belong to either group.…
Die Rückreise während der SARS CoV2 Pandemie. Ein Virus aus China hat das alltägliche Leben weltweit lahmgelegt, auch Borneo blieb davon nicht verschont. Dieser Blogeintrag unterscheidet sich maßgeblich von allen anderen „Abenteuern“ die ich bisher schriftlich veröffentlicht habe. Das Reisen…
Smooth Slug Snake, Asthenodipsas laevis (Boie, 1827) – of south Sarawak / Borneo
Dwarf Wood Scorpion Liocheles australasiae (Fabricius, 1775), of central Sarawak Borneo, under UV-light. Most scorpions glow a blue-green color when illuminated by ultraviolet light with a wavelength of around 380nm.
Subadult of Peters’ Forest Dragon or Doria’s Anglehead Lizard, Gonocephalus doriae W. Peters, 1871, of south Sarawak / Borneo Gonocephalus doriae is named for Marquis Giacomo Doria (1840–1913), an Italian naturalist, botanist, herpetologist and politician, founder of the Museo Civico…
Least Narrow-mouthed Frog, Microhyla perparva Inger & Frogner, 1979 – of central Sarawak / Borneo
Bornean tree hole frog, Metaphrynella sundana (Peters, 1867) of central Borneo.
One of the smallest known snake species is the brahminy blind snake, Virgotyphlops braminus (Daudin, 1803), former Indotyphlops braminus (Daudin, 1803) – of south Sarawak / Borneo