Giant centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes Leach, 1815
Tag: Malaysia
Asian Forest Scorpion Heterometrus spinifer (Ehrenberg, 1828), from south Sarawak/Borneo The biggest scorpion in Borneo / Sarawak and can reach a length of about 100–135mm. Location: Kuching / Sarawak / Borneo
Dragon Head Katydid Lesina blanchardi (Brongniart, 1890) the former Ellatodon blanchardi from Sarawak / Borneo
Amphidromus adamsi pictus (Fulton, 1896) or Amphidromus pictus concinnus Fulton, 1896 (?) from West-Sarawak Borneo.
Aroid, Alocasia longiloba var. lowii of south Sarawak / Borneo, around 250m ASL
Goniothalamus spec. ,central Sarawak / Borneo
Hammerhead-Worm black&white, probably Bipalium genus of the Geoplanidae Stimpson, 1857 family. Found in south Sarawak near Kuching, 1100m ASL.
Banded Forest Gecko – Cyrtodactylus consobrinus (PETERS 1871)
Jewel orchid Goodyera spec. (?) in situ, central Sarawak / Borneo
Indian broomrape or forest ghost flower Aeginetia indica Linnaeus, 1753 in south Sarawak / Borneo, around 100m ASL Aeginetia indica is a holoparasitic herb of the Orobanchaceae family of plants. The forest ghost flowerhost parasitises plants of the Cannaceae, Commelinaceae,…