17th July 2017
Infected by a Cordyceps-fungus of Central-Sarawak/Borneo.
Infected by a Cordyceps-fungus of Central-Sarawak/Borneo.
Infected by Cordyceps
unknown Amphidromus sp.
leatherleaf slug, Veronicellidae Gray, 1840 According to the following paper (The slugs and semislugs of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (Gastropoda, Pulmonata: Veronicellidae, Rathouisiidae, Ariophantidae, Limacidae, Philomycidae)), maybe it resembles to Valiguna flava (Heynemann, 1885). But the genitalia has to be examined…
Whip-Scorpion (Uropygi / Thelyphonida) from Gunung Gading
Whip-Scorpion (Uropygi / Thelyphonida) from Gunung Santubong
Moth infected by Cordyceps
Leptopoma vitreum, Leptopoma sericatum or related species Family: Cyclophoridae.
file-eared tree frog Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893)
Stick Insect, Borneo Highland