Glory Bower, Clerodendrum sp., of central Sarawak / Borneo around 400m ASL
Glory Bower, Clerodendrum sp., of central Sarawak / Borneo around 400m ASL
Low’s pitcher-plant, Nepenthes lowii, of north Sarawak / Borneo around 2100m ASL Upper pitchers of Nepenthes lowii, which is a carnivorous plant from the genus pitcher plants (Nepenthes). It was first described around 1859 by botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker. The…
Palm of the Pinanga genus – Pinanga spec. in situ – central Sarawak / Borneo.
Miss North’s pitcher-plant Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. (1881) from Sarawak / Borneo A special plant that is threatened by habitat loss but the main reason is because people collecting them, just to have them at home. Nepenthes northiana Hook.f. lives as…
Orchids are omnipresent in whole Borneo and can be found everywhere from the coastal shorelines to the elevated mountain tops in the hinterland. The orchid Plocoglottis plicata (Roxb.) is very common in certain areas and one of my favorite terrestrial…
Aroid, Podolasia spinosa of Sarawak / Borneo, around 120m ASL
Reinwardts Pitcher Plant, Nepenthes reinwardtiana, of Central Sarawak / Borneo around 1500m ASL Nepenthes reinwardtiana is a widespread pitcher plant in Sarawak / Borneo, but only in few remote places in a high altitude you can find this “giant morph”.
Veitch’s pitcher-plant Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f. (1859) from central Sarawak / Borneo, 1200m ASL
A natural hybrid, Nepenthes mirabilis x northiana of Sarawak / Borneo
Malayan Ground Orchid Spathoglottis plicata of south Sarawak / Borneo, around 40m ASL