Holochlora sp.(?) Stål, 1873 of south Sabah / Borneo This bush-cricket has carefully cut out pieces of a dead leaf, laid an egg on it and then “closed” it. This process took over an hour and it did not allow…
Holochlora sp.(?) Stål, 1873 of south Sabah / Borneo This bush-cricket has carefully cut out pieces of a dead leaf, laid an egg on it and then “closed” it. This process took over an hour and it did not allow…
Male of Frog-legged Leaf Beetle or Frog Beetle Sagra buqueti Lesson, 1831, of Sabah / Borneo around 100m ASL.
Tympanophyllum atroterminatum (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895) of south Sabah / Borneo
Pyrops whiteheadi (Distant, 1889) of south Sabah / Borneo Like many other plant-sucking insects, pyrops also excrete honeydew. I have seen different species of ants and cockroaches using this source of energy, but also some nocturnal geckos have learned not to…
Eine längst überfällige Reise in ein Inselparadies. Kein Regenwaldabenteuer, sondern eine touristische Reise in den äußersten Osten Borneos. Nach vielen Jahren, die ich in Borneo verbracht habe, fällt es mir schwer zu glauben, dass ich nie die Gelegenheit hatte, die…
Arachnothelphusa sp. lowland from Sabah / Borneo I found an Arachnothelphusa species in Tawau almost 6 years ago, but it was in the highlands at a altitude of over 1000 m. Either there are two species here, or this Arachnothelphusa…
Sabah vampire crab, Geosesarma sabanus Ng, 1992 – of Sabah / Borneo around 100m ASL.
Northwest Bornean orang-utan, Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus (Linnaeus, 1760), is one of the three sup-species of Pongo pygmaeus in Borneo. When you think of Borneo’s wildlife, the orang utan will come to your mind almost immediately. I’ve seen these forest people,…
The Philippine slow loris, Nycticebus menagensis (Lydekker, 1893) of south Sarawak, around 60m ASL. According to Munds & Nekaris et al (2013), there are four different species of Slow Loris in Borneo. The species in the photo is Nycticebus menagensis (Lydekker, 1893),…
This Borneo moth is infected by a Cordyceps fungus, probably Cordyceps tuberculata(?). The parasitic fungi grow through the host and first form a subiculum, from which aggregate fruiting bodies, so-called stromata, then grow. All Cordyceps species are parasitic on arthropods…