13th May 2022
Groundhopper, Discotettix belzebuth (Serville, 1838), south Sarawak / Borneo Of this common groundhopper, there are two existing synonyms: Discotettix armatus Costa, 1864 Discotettix adenanii Mahmood, Idris & Salmah, 2007
Groundhopper, Discotettix belzebuth (Serville, 1838), south Sarawak / Borneo Of this common groundhopper, there are two existing synonyms: Discotettix armatus Costa, 1864 Discotettix adenanii Mahmood, Idris & Salmah, 2007
Grasshopper Paraphyllum cf. antennatum Hancock, 1913 – from central-Sarawak / Borneo – 740m ASL